WoW TWW Best Realms Rankings and Server Tier List
The list of Top WoW Realms and Servers ranked by their overall score for each Faction and Game Type in World of Warcraft The War Within 11.1.0.
The War Within 11.1.0
Last updated: March 1, 2025
US: United States (English)
Game Type | Best Realms |
Alliance PvE | Stormrage Sargeras Proudmoore Dalaran Kel’Thuzad |
Horde PvE | Area 52 Illidan Thrall Tichondrius Zul’jin Mal’Ganis |
Alliance PvP | Tichondrius Sargeras Stormrage Kel’Thuzad Proudmoore Darkspear Moon Guard |
Horde PvP | Tichondrius Illidan Area 52 Mal’Ganis Bleeding Hollow Sargeras Zul’jin Thrall |
Alliance RP | Moon Guard Emerald Dream Wyrmrest Accord |
Horde RP | Emerald Dream Wyrmrest Accord |
US: Oceanic (Australia & New Zealand)
Game Type | Best Realms |
Alliance PvE | Frostmourne Nagrand |
Horde PvE | Barthilas Nagrand |
Alliance PvP | Frostmourne |
Horde PvP | Barthilas |
RP | No Oceanic RP servers exist, see US English RP servers instead. |
US: Brazil (Portuguese)
Game Type | Best Realms |
Alliance PvE | Nemesis Goldrinn |
Horde PvE | Azralon Goldrinn |
Alliance PvP | Nemesis |
Horde PvP | Azralon |
RP | Blizzard has not provided us with any US Portuguese RP realms,
so you can check out US English RP realms. |
US: Latin America (Spanish)
Game Type | Best Realms |
Alliance PvE | Quel’Thalas |
Horde PvE | Ragnaros |
Alliance PvP | Ragnaros Quel’Thalas |
Horde PvP | Ragnaros |
RP | There are no US Spanish RP realms, please consider US English RP realms. |
EU: English
Game Type | Best Realms |
Alliance PvE | Ravencrest Argent Dawn Outland Sylvanas |
Horde PvE | Draenor Kazzak Twisting Nether Tarren Mill Ragnaros Stormscale |
Alliance PvP | Ravencrest Outland Sylvanas Silvermoon |
Horde PvP | Kazzak Tarren Mill Stormscale Twisting Nether Draenor |
Alliance RP | Argent Dawn |
Horde RP | Argent Dawn |
EU: German
Game Type | Best Realms |
Alliance PvE | Antonidas Blackmoore Aegwynn |
Horde PvE | Blackhand Blackrock Thrall Blackmoore Eredar |
Alliance PvP | Aegwynn Blackmoore Antonidas |
Horde PvP | Blackrock Eredar Blackmoore Aegwynn Blackhand Thrall |
Alliance RP | Die Aldor Die Silberne Hand Zirkel des Cenarius |
Horde RP | Kult der Verdammten Die Aldor Die Nachtwache |
EU: Russian
Game Type | Best Realms |
Alliance PvE | Gordunni (Гордунни) Galakrond (Галакронд) Azuregos (Азурегос) Fordragon (Дракономор) |
Horde PvE | Howling Fjord (Ревущий фьорд) Soulflayer (Свежеватель Душ) Ashenvale (Ясеневый лес) Galakrond (Галакронд) |
Alliance PvP | Gordunni (Гордунни) Blackscar (Черный Шрам) Deathguard (Страж Смерти) |
Horde PvP | Soulflayer (Свежеватель Душ) Howling Fjord (Ревущий фьорд) |
RP | Unfortunately, there are no Russian RP servers yet,
so if you are interested in Roleplaying,
your best option is the above-mentioned EU English RP server. |
EU: French
Game Type | Best Realms |
Alliance PvE | Dalaran Hyjal Elune |
Horde PvE | Hyjal Ysondre Archimonde |
Alliance PvP | Archimonde Dalaran |
Horde PvP | Archimonde Ysondre Hyjal |
Alliance RP | Kirin Tor Confrérie du Thorium |
Horde RP | Confrérie du Thorium |
EU: Spanish
Game Type | Best Realms |
Alliance PvE | Dun Modr Tyrande Exodar |
Horde PvE | Sanguino C’thun |
Alliance PvP | Dun Modr |
Horde PvP | Sanguino |
RP | No Spanish RP realms available yet,
please take a look at EU English RP servers above. |
EU: Italian
Game Type | Best Realms |
Alliance PvE | Well of Eternity (Pozzo dell'Eternità) |
Horde PvE | Nemesis |
Alliance PvP | Nemesis Well of Eternity (Pozzo dell'Eternità) |
Horde PvP | Nemesis Well of Eternity (Pozzo dell'Eternità) |
RP | There are no Italian RP realms as of today,
so you should try EU English RP realm instead. |
Game Type | Best Realms |
Alliance PvE | Hyjal (하이잘) Burning Legion (불타는 군단) |
Horde PvE | Azshara (아즈샤라) Hellscream (헬스크림) |
Alliance PvP | Hyjal (하이잘) |
Horde PvP | Azshara (아즈샤라) |
RP | Korean RP servers are not a thing yet,
maybe US or EU English RP servers could work for you? |
Game Type | Best Realms |
Alliance PvE | Shadowmoon (暗影之月) Whisperwind (語風) Arygos (亞雷戈斯) |
Horde PvE | Sundown Marsh (日落沼澤) Crystalpine Stinger (水晶之刺) Wrathbringer (憤怒使者) Arthas (阿薩斯) |
Alliance PvP | Shadowmoon (暗影之月) Whisperwind (語風) |
Horde PvP | Sundown Marsh (日落沼澤) Crystalpine Stinger (水晶之刺) |
RP | No Taiwanese RP realms exist; you can try US or EU English RP realms instead. |