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Guardian Druid PvP Meta Build
Data based on the top Guardian Druid 11 unique characters over the past 5 weeks.
Top Full TreeClass TreeSpec TreeHero TreePvP TalentsEmbellishmentsCraftedGemsTierEnchantsWeaponsHeadNeckShoulderBackChestWristHandsWaistsLegsFeetItem Stats
Full Tree Talents
Talent Builds | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 27.27% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,138 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,311 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Class Tree Talents
Shared talents within all builds:
Talent Builds | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 27.27% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,138 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,311 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Spec Tree Talents
Shared talents within all builds:
Talent Builds | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,136 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,138 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Hero Tree Talents
Talent Builds | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,311 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
PvP Talent
Talent | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 63.64% | |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 54.55% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 54.55% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 36.36% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 36.36% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 27.27% | |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,138 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
PvP Talents
Talents | Max Rating | Popularity |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,136 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,138 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,311 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Embellishment Items
Item | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 27.27% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Embellishment Builds
Items | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,136 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,138 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Crafted Items
Item | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 36.36% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 27.27% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 27.27% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Crafted Builds
Items | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,136 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,138 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Gem | Max Rating | Popularity |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 27.27% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 27.27% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Gem Builds
Gems | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,136 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,138 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Tier Items
Item | Max Rating | Popularity |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 54.55% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 45.45% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 36.36% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 36.36% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 36.36% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 27.27% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% |
Tier Builds
Items | Max Rating | Popularity |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,136 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Back Enchants
Enchant | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Engineering Belt Enhancements
Enhancement | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,136 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% |
Leg Enchants
Enchant | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 27.27% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Items | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 27.27% | |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,311 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Item | Max Rating | Popularity |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 36.36% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Item | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 36.36% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Item | Max Rating | Popularity |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 36.36% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,136 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Item | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 54.55% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Item | Max Rating | Popularity |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 54.55% | |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Item | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 63.64% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Item | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 27.27% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Item | Max Rating | Popularity |
2,111 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 27.27% | |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,136 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,311 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Item | Max Rating | Popularity |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 36.36% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
1,904 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Item | Max Rating | Popularity |
1,877 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 27.27% | |
2,153 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
1,994 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 18.18% | |
2,145 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,300 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,208 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% | |
2,311 WorldOfWarcraft.com | 9.09% |
Item Stats
Stat | Median Total Gain from Gear |
Strength | +10,370 |
Intellect | +13,456 |
Stamina | +46,790 |
Haste | +2,180.5 |
Versatility | +8,390 |
Mastery | +5,278 |
Critical Strike | +2,526 |
Avoidance | +437 |
Agility | +2,400 |
Indestructible | +356 |