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Beast Mastery Hunter PvP Talents

PvP Season 9 Cataclysm 4.4.1
Last updated: March 8, 2025

Based on the top Beast Mastery Hunter 3 unique characters over the past 30 weeks.

📖 Explanation
  • MAX: Maximum value of the metric, indicating the highest performance or value achieved within the dataset.
  • Popularity: Percentage of players who have exactly the same value or set of values. This percentage is calculated based on the number of unique characters, providing insight into how common or rare a particular configuration or performance level is among players.
  • Median Total Gain from Gear: The median combined stat bonus from all equipped items across characters. This metric reflects the typical stat enhancement that characters receive from their gear.
  • Rating: Official Blizzard PvP Rating from the API

Full Tree Talents

Core Talents used in all builds

Talent Builds
Max Rating